About Hero Looks, and The Art of Fashion Magic

Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I work with creative women on Hero Looks to help them find their personal style using costumes from movies, television, anime, and comics as the inspiration. My ultimate goal is to take your style from pretending to be someone else to embodying the magic of YOU, at work, or at home.

The Art of Hero Looks

My ultimate goal at Hero Looks is to help you take your style from “I want to look like someone in a Regency Romance” to “I am TOTALLY a heroine in a Regency Romance… if the Regency era had internet, indoor plumbing, women’s rights, and denim jackets.” We do this through a process I call Fashion Magic, where you’ll take parts of what you love, add a sprinkle of personal style, and mix it all together to fit YOUR life.

You can get started with Fashion Magic by looking up your favorite movies or shows, or even browsing your favorite era of clothing (the 80s for me please). I start by giving some background about the costumes, and how to dress like the characters given our real-life 21st Century constraints. Then we take it another step by adding in that joie de vivre that brings your style to life.

About Elizabeth (You Know, the Babe With the Power)

My full name is Elizabeth Miller, and I live in West Virginia with my husband and our two cats, Catherine and Ziggy Stardust. Like Catherine the Great, our Catherine is regal as hell. Ziggy Stardust, like her namesake, is both Glam and Rock.

I love shows with strong female aesthetics and a good sword fight. I low-key believe in magic and aliens, and high-key believe in being kind and gender equality. When I’m not watching movies and TV, I’m reading about history, science, and faith.

My major was in history, but the best way to keep all of those wars and events straight in my head was to see what they were wearing. Since then I’ve been an avid fan of fashion history, theory, and costuming. My REAL experience in helping others with their style started when I lived in Istanbul and learned about the capsule wardrobe. Instead of creating the same “french girl vibe” capsule as everyone on Pinterest, I drew inspiration from my favorite movies and costumes. Doing this for myself has helped me send friends and family in the right direction when they ask for help.

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